Man/Woman Know Thyself
We are all born beautiful, pristine little babies complete with our own tendencies hard wired in the brain (the beginnings of personality), our own uniqueness and our own gifts. As we interact with our parents, siblings and the world beyond our family patterns begin to form in our responses to the external world, based on what seems to work for us, what gets us what we want and helps us to feel a sense of belonging.
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players", from Shakespeare's play 'As You Like It' pretty much sums up our life experience when we are identified only with our personality with ego (a fabricated, false image of who we think we are or would like to believe we are) at its centre. We mistake our thoughts and beliefs for our true self and this is how we get lost. This identification with mind and ego is the source of all human suffering and difficulty. We are distanced, and at worst disconnected, from our true Self and feel constantly dissatisfied as if something is missing in our life. We then go looking for something or someone 'out there' who will help us to feel complete again. Like the characters in The Wizard of Oz we go searching for the wizard who will help us to be happy. This creates a lot of complications. Life is meant to be, and can be, much simpler and enjoyable.
The coaching pathway I provide is an opportunity to understand the patterns of belief that stand between you and the beautiful life you are meant to have. You reconnect with yourself at a deeper level. You become conscious of how you create your reality. This paves the way for you to express yourself more freely, to embrace life more fully, experience inner peace and fulfilment. In addition, depending on your needs, you will learn new communication, leadership, career management or business skills increasing your effectiveness at work.
Turn Your Attention Within
Your attention needs always to come back to what is happening within you and to what is real and true, not a distortion of your mind. The real work in life, the work that gives meaning to all your endeavors in the world, is first and foremost about knowing yourself. The world in and of itself is only important as a forum for learning and expressing yourself.
Sometimes new clients come to me and say they feel as if they are too old, or too time poor, or too poor to do this work. To these objections I boldly emphasise what quantum physics has taught us: that everything is energy. Nothing is as fixed as it seems. With effort, willingness and awareness, anything is possible. Shift your thinking from scarcity to abundance, for example, and your energy changes. Physically you feel lighter and more energised. This immediately alters your circumstances. This inner work of raising your awareness naturally translates into income producing activity to support the lifestyle of your choice. Energy is unlimited, and so are you once you free yourself of the misconceptions that are holding you back.
Self awareness and freedom from mental blocks has so many benefits. In our relationships seemingly insurmountable conflicts can suddenly dissolve because your energy has shifted to a higher frequency as you become free of limiting beliefs and more present in the moment. To your utter amazement obstacles fall away and you find you are experiencing something entirely different: high self esteem and real connection.
Life is a choice: will you be fully alive, or only half alive living the 'life' you have been conditioned to live?
As H.D Thoreau so aptly put it:
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,
to front only the essential facts of life,
and see if could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die,
discover that I had not lived.
So in a nutshell, the Transformation and Empowerment Pathway helps you to realise your full potential and has three components:
Deep Sense of Self
You connect with yourself at a deeper level freeing you of any negativity, doubt or self-defeating behaviour that might hold you back.
You develop a clear picture of what you want which equips you to handle challenges and achieve your goals with greater ease and certainty.
You embrace a new beginning and go forward with your action plan with conviction and a newfound sense of meaning and purpose.
A Holistic Coaching Journey: Body-Mind-Heart-Soul
You are a spiritual being having a human experience. This is not a fluffy or empty throw-away statement. It is a proven fact that we humans are energy beings, not just bodies living isolated existences. Until you acknowledge this you block your progress. Once you are ready, the transformation that sees you integrate all aspects of who are you unfolds in stages. It is not a passive process that distances you from the world as many would have you believe. Rather it is a highly active reflective process you engage in with your coach as guide. The process has clearly defined applications in your daily life. I describe the process using two different metaphors. In one way it is like taking off coats (limiting and incorrect beliefs and assumptions) until your true self is free and you are fully conscious (able to see and appreciate things as they are). In another way the process could be likened to walking up a spiral staircase inside a lighthouse. At each level you turn on a light until the lighthouse is fully lit, your vision is unimpaired at the top and beaming out your light you serve a useful, meaningful purpose for the world. The lighthouse of course, is you.
It is an exciting adventure, quite possibly the experience of a lifetime.
Inner Work
You will explore and experience the following states/stages:
Session 1 – Understanding how to sustain emotional balance and flow
Session 2 – Connecting with your innate creativity, optimism and inner guidance
Session 3 – Moving from self-doubt and resistance to self-confidence, courage and authentic communication
Session 4 – Letting go inertia by facing fear and self-deception, being congruent and surrendering to learning
Session 5 – Using obstacles as opportunities to develop insight, to trust your deeper instincts and realise freedom in action
Session 6 – Learning how presence allows you to see truth and transcend destructive mental patterns
Session 7 – Developing wisdom by being transparent and sustaining empowerment through effective action
Session 8 – Expressing your life vision and so serving the world
It is an exciting adventure, quite possibly the experience of a lifetime.
Inner Work
You will explore and experience the following states/stages:
Session 1 – Understanding how to sustain emotional balance and flow
Session 2 – Connecting with your innate creativity, optimism and inner guidance
Session 3 – Moving from self-doubt and resistance to self-confidence, courage and authentic communication
Session 4 – Letting go inertia by facing fear and self-deception, being congruent and surrendering to learning
Session 5 – Using obstacles as opportunities to develop insight, to trust your deeper instincts and realise freedom in action
Session 6 – Learning how presence allows you to see truth and transcend destructive mental patterns
Session 7 – Developing wisdom by being transparent and sustaining empowerment through effective action
Session 8 – Expressing your life vision and so serving the world
Career Management Skills You Can DevelopWoven throughout this one on one coaching pathway are the traditional career management tools and processes depending on your needs and direction:
Delivery Methods: 8 sessions are held weekly either face to face or online using Microsoft Teams. Various materials tailored exactly to your needs are provided along with agreed tasks to be applied in the intervening weeks. In this way no two client's journeys are the same, each one is unique as we journey together to realise your potential. Fee: AUD$1600 or NZD$1600 depending on where you reside. Payment options can be arranged. This is a commitment to your learning, your growth, and your life. Well done for taking this bold step! You will look back and see that this was a marvelous turning point for you with lasting impacts. Best Wishes, Sarah To book a free 30 minute consultation to discuss your coaching needs go to the contact page and submit your details, you will be called within an hour. Alternatively, call Sarah now on: +61 452 478 862 |
Contact Sarah to Discuss Your Coaching Needs